The principal objective of the Chamber is to promote the common interests of individuals engaged in the baking industry, and its activities will be wholly directed toward the furtherance of this principal objective.
The objectives of the Chamber fall into the following categories:
- To provide an advisory service to its members on scientific and technical issues affecting the baking industry, especially with regard to legislative matters.
- To liaise with other technical/scientific institutes and provide representation on the Wheat Industry Technical Committees.
- To promote and protect the technical interests of bakers in various arenas.
- To ensure that the baking industry has an appropriate and recognised training system that meets the needs of the industry.
- To remain involved in all aspects of training where it can contribute to the implementation of sound baking practices.
- To serve and promote the interests of the industry in dealings with the government, its departments, provincial and local authorities, and all other organisations involved in activities that affect the industry.
- To represent the industry in organisations, committees, and trusts where input from the industry is required and desirable.
- To provide information to the industry of a general, statistical, technical, and market research nature, or any other information as agreed to by the Management Board, with the understanding that information provided by individual members will be kept strictly confidential unless written permission is given by the member to disseminate such information to Chamber members.
- To address technical issues, including food safety and labeling matters, which are of importance to the industry.
- No member will be granted access to any individual information obtained through submissions to the Chamber and will not be involved in the collation, processing, or analysis of any individual information by the Chamber.
- The Chamber will avoid providing any information that may be considered anti-competitive.
- To provide any service agreed upon by its members that could benefit the Chamber and/or society at large.
- To do all such lawful things as may appear to be in the interest of the members or the industry, and all such actions that are conducive to the attainment of the Chamber's objectives.
The Chamber's
Management Board 2024/5
The governance and structures of the Chamber consist of a Management Board, elected by Chamber members, and an Executive Director, appointed by the Management Board, who reports to the Chairperson of the Chamber.
- Chairperson: Mr Johan Niemand (RCL Foods)
- Vice-Chairperson: Mrs Lorraine Bezuidenhout (Anchor Yeast)
- Albany Bakeries (Mr Quinton Swart)
- Premier FMCG (Mr Danie Simpson)
- RCL Foods (Mr Johan Niemand)
- IFF (Mrs Trudy Mills)
- Pick n Pay (Ms Denise Herselman)
- South Bakels (Mr Gerhard Grobbelaar)
- Chipkins Puratos (Mrs Lowell Harkoo)
- Anchor Yeast (Mrs Lorraine Bezuidenhout)
- Globakeries (Mr John Nel)

Technical Committee
The Technical Committee of the South African Chamber of Baking plays a pivotal role in advising the Chamber on diverse scientific and technical matters impacting the baking industry. Ranging from quality assessments of wheat, flour, and raw materials to evaluating production processes and navigating legal requirements, the Committee offers invaluable insights to ensure industry standards are met.
Through collaborative efforts with other technical institutions and representation on wheat industry technical committees, the Committee fosters partnerships and advocates for the technical interests of bakers across various platforms.
Training Committee
The Training Committee of the South African Chamber of Baking actively promotes training initiatives within the baking industry, striving to develop effective programs across all levels and sectors. Serving as the voice of bakers on training matters, the Committee engages in influential forums such as the FoodBev SETA and related committees to advocate for industry interests. Additionally, it facilitates the development of suitable qualifications and unit standards, assisting bakers in aligning their training with relevant legislation.
By promoting baking as a viable career path and offering specialised training, such as the Certificate in the Basics and Theory of Breadmaking, the Committee endeavours to attract and nurture talent within the industry.
The Chamber's Constitution
The South African Chamber of Baking's Constitution lays the foundation for the Chamber's ethos, operations, and governance, serving as a blueprint that delineates the rights, responsibilities, and objectives of its members within the baking industry.
For download
The Chamber's Constitution was last amended in 2020 and duly certified on 22 February 2021.
The Chamber's Strategic Relationships
The Chamber of Baking has formed strategic relationships within the entire grain value chain.
- Farming, Trade & Storage
- Research
- Processors
- Regulatory / Technical
- International
- Training